Side Dishes

Spiced Carrot Soup

Sarah Hauser

A recent trip to Costco yielded one of those huge, ten pound bags of carrots. My husband, being very practical and logical, graciously questioned why we needed ten pounds of carrots. I assured him we did––and that none of them would go to waste.

I'm happy to say that I used up every last carrot from that giant bag. To be honest, though, the few days before the last couple pounds were about to turn bad, I was scrambling to figure out how to use them. The solution? Carrot soup. 

This recipe has a little spice from red pepper flakes (although you can leave them out if you'd like), and it’s the perfect recipe to enjoy during the cold-weather months. It also freezes well and works great as a starter for your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. It's also dairy-free, vegetarian, and gluten-free. 

Serve it alongside a roast chicken or your favorite protein and a side salad for a PRO-filled meal.



1 Tablespoon coconut oil

1 onion, diced

2 pounds carrots, chopped into chunks

1 (13.5 ounce) can coconut milk

Juice of 1 orange

3 cups chicken or vegetable broth

1 teaspoon cumin

1/4 teaspoon ground coriander

Pinch cayenne pepper

Salt and pepper

Red pepper flakes (optional)


Heat the oil in a medium pot. Add the onion and saute for a couple minutes until the onions are translucent. Add the carrots, coconut milk, orange juice, broth, cumin, coriander and cayenne pepper. Cover halfway and cook until carrots are tender, about 20 minutes. 

Blend with an immersion blender, or wait until soup cools a bit then transfer to a regular blender, and blend until smooth.

Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Serve with a pinch of red pepper flakes if desired.

Trainer, nutrition coach, and Christian mom — in a culture that’s obsessed with “gym-selfies” and a number on the scale, I’m passionate about helping moms discover what it feels like to actually love their bodies and thrive in them.
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Hi! I’m Megan.
Self-Care Simplified is for Christian moms that want to be equipped and encouraged to take simple steps towards the healthy life you want for yourself and the people you love.
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