
The Surprising FACTS of Ovarian Removal and Breast Cancer with Dr. Corinne Menn

The Surprising FACTS of Ovarian Removal and Breast Cancer with Dr. Corinne Menn
by megan dahlman
February 4, 2025

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One in 8 women in the United States will have her ovaries removed prior to the age of natural menopause, and this number is growing.

Why? More and more women are opting for elective ovarian removal surgeries due to a medical condition or to prevent ovarian cancer.

Not only that, about 600,000 hysterectomy procedures are performed annually in the United States, making it the most common surgical procedure among women that’s not birth related.

All of these women will experience premature menopause - or “abrupt” menopause - and early menopause symptoms (even if only their uterus was removed).

But after these procedures - what then?

Do other health risks increase? And what about breast cancer?

Dr. Corinne Menn joins us on the podcast this week helping to answer all of these questions and sharing some surprising facts about ovarian removal, hysterectomies, and even breast cancer.

Dr. Menn is a board-certified OBGYN and Menopause Society Certified Practitioner. She is a breast cancer survivor of over 23 years and a BRCA gene carrier, and she is using her own experience to help women navigate their own health challenges.

Her medical practice is dedicated to menopause management, the unique healthcare needs of female cancer survivors, and those at high risk for breast cancer.

In this conversation, Dr. Menn shares with us her personal journey through menopause, and highlights the challenges faced by women, especially those experiencing premature and “abrupt” menopause.

Key Takeaways

  • Many women are dismissed regarding their menopause symptoms.
  • Premature menopause affects more women than reported, and abrupt menopause can lead to severe health risks.
  • Family history is important but not the only risk factor for breast cancer. Lifestyle choices significantly impact breast cancer risk.
  • Women should not fear hormone therapy without understanding the facts.
  • “You are the CEO of your body!”

More Resources & Links

Follow Dr. Corinne Menn on Instagram

Get more info about working with Dr. Menn through Telehealth on Alloy

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Trainer, nutrition coach, and Christian mom — in a culture that’s obsessed with “gym-selfies” and a number on the scale, I’m passionate about helping moms discover what it feels like to actually love their bodies and thrive in them.
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