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Well according to the stats, it might not be that healthy. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, killing more women every year than cancer, diabetes, and dementia combined. We always think of men having heart attacks, but women are dying of heart attacks more than men. And your risk of developing heart disease goes up dramatically in midlife, so we have to have this conversation now.
February is heart health month, so we’re going to do it justice and make sure that you’re doing the simple, necessary things to create a strong and healthy heart. **
Lisa is 48, she has a busy job, and she’s also having to step up to the plate to take care of her parents more recently, and also her teenage kids. She’s got a lot going on.
Lisa had always thought she was doing okay when it came to her health. She wasn’t a gym rat, but she stayed somewhat active—running around after her kids, doing housework, and walking occasionally when the weather was nice. She wasn’t perfect with food, but she tried to eat “pretty healthy”.
Her weight was always fine, so she just wasn’t that concerned about her health - there were so many other things that mattered more.
That was until a routine doctor’s visit changed everything.
Her blood pressure was creeping up. Her cholesterol was in the “borderline high” range. Her lipid numbers didn’t look great, and when her doctor mentioned that heart disease is the #1 killer of women—she felt her stomach drop.
The warning signs were there.
“How is that possible?” she asked. “I’m only 48! I’m not that out of shape. And I eat pretty well… right?”
But the truth was, Lisa had been overlooking the small daily habits that quietly impact heart health over time.
Her heart health wasn’t failing overnight. It was the years of small, unnoticed habits adding up.
And it’s these things that lead to half a million women every year dying from cardiovascular disease far younger than they might otherwise.
That day, Lisa made a decision—not to overhaul her life, but to start making small, consistent changes.
And that’s what this episode is all about—because Lisa’s story? It could be your story, too.
What is the Cardiovascular System anyway?
Ok, let’s say you’re like Lisa… your blood pressure is higher than preferred, your cholesterol numbers are borderline, and you’re afraid that you may have a ticking time bomb if you don’t do something now.
What should you do?
What are the fitness recommendations? What’s going to have the best impact on your heart?
While it seems more obvious that exercise and nutrition are going to impact your heart health, your sleep and stress levels - while it might not be quite as obvious - impact your heart just as much.
I want you to know that these little habits really do add up.
Karen is someone I’ve been coaching for a coming up on a year now, and I remember at the beginning of her journey, she had just had a doctor’s appointment and her results looked a lot like Lisa’s from the beginning of this episode…and she was pretty worried.
But she committed to not doing a huge overhaul, which she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to sustain, but rather just focusing on being really consistent with some simple little things.
Not only did she feel better, but she just got her labs done again and her doctor was super impressed. Every number had improved. She still has a little bit more work to do, but we’re definitely out of the danger zone.
My greatest desire is for you to not be a statistic. I don’t you to be a one of the thousands of victims of heart disease.
Simple fitness habit shift: Do Exercise Snacks - short bursts of movement all day long
Simple nutrition habit shift: Add one more fruit or vegetable to your meals today.
Simple stress habit shift: Take 5 slow deep breaths.
Simple sleep habit shift: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier.
Episode 404. Can Specific Exercises Lower Blood Pressure?
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