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Are you a mess when it comes to hydrating your body? Inconsistent and haphazard?
The reality is if you don’t drink enough water, you’re going to feel lethargic, stiff and achy throughout your entire body, bloated, constipated, and generally unwell…which in turn, impacts your motivation and drive to do anything else fitness or nutrition related!
When it comes to drinking water, there are some big mistakes that people often make. And it has nothing to do with electrolytes or alkaline water or anything fad-related. In fact, those trends are just distracting from the real mistakes that people are making.
So grab a glass of water (you’re gonna need it while you’re listening to this) and let’s get your hydration where it needs to be - your body is going to feel a million times better.
There’s something we do on our Wednesday live coaching calls in many of my training programs. I call it the “Simultaneous Sip”. Before we jump into the Q&A we always cheers each other with our beverage, and I say, “And now you’re one more sip hydrated.” I always remind the ladies I coach that if I have no other impact on their lives, if they’re at least someone that is better hydrated every single day, that alone with will change their life.
It’s your baseline!
Over the years, I have known MANY people that feel terrible in their bodies and generally unwell, and they’re also really bad at drinking water.
I had a friend that was a notorious soda drinker… she always had a can of soda in her hand, I don’t think I ever saw her drink a glass of water.
My father-in-law is a coffee drinker, and has been for years. He just drinks pots of coffee all day long.
Now these are kind of extreme scenarios, and maybe you’re not quite to that level with your hydration choices, but I find that for most women, it’s 50/50 - you’re either an excellent hydrator or it’s something that’s a constant struggle for you.
Whether you’re already great at drinking water or if it’s a battle, you’re going to find some really helpful tips in this episode.
If you don’t drink enough water, you’re going to feel lethargic, stiff and achy, bloated, constipated, too hot or too cold, and generally unwell…which in turn, dramatically impacts your motivation and desire to do anything else fitness or nutrition related!
All good things!!!
But when it comes to drinking water, you might be making some common mistakes that I see all the time - the 4th one is probably the most popular right now ….they’re really easy to fix, though.
There is so much value to your mindset of mastering a non-food habit first
On a side note here: It’s really best to avoid “drinking your calories”
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Discover your unique metabolic body type, and learn exactly how to train and eat to maximize your natural strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Take the FREE QuizDiscover how thousands of everyday moms are quitting the trendy diets and detoxes and finally changing their eating habits for life.
Download for FREE NowThis brand-new guide reveals the safest way for you to strengthen and flatten your postpartum abs so you can feel confident in your core again.
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