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Here it is, this is it!!! It has been WAY too long since we’ve had this discussion, but I’m bringing it back. We’re talking about body types today, and maybe even in a way that you’ve never heard it before. If you struggle to love your body and sometimes even feel confused about what even works for your body, this is for you. This is NOT about whether you’re pear shaped, or apple shaped or shaped like a rectangle, this is SO much more than that. And I get PUMPED every time I talk about our body types. So let’s go!
A little while back I had a conversation with my friend Alexis. She was commiserating about how it didn’t seem to matter what she did or how hard she tried, she could never LOOK fit. She could never build visible muscle or gain any definition. I said to her, “well that’s just cause you’re an Ectomorph”.
This was total news to her...she had no idea! She figured that if she did all the right things in all the right ways, she could force her body into looking a certain way. I remember saying to her, “NOPE, unfortunately it just doesn’t work like that. You can certainly do all the right things to get strong and healthy and be your absolute fittest self, but you’re not in control of the aesthetic outcome. God is.”
So this may be brand new to you or perhaps you’ve been around the block with me for a while now, but today I’m going to teach you about the different body types. And even if it’s not new to you, you’re still going to get something out of this conversation. And if you haven’t yet, take my body type quiz at
I was at a MOPS conference last year, and one of the main speakers was actually talking about how she has spent a large majority of her life hating her body and trying to lose a lot of weight and get thinner. And in her heart, she says that God has finally to brought her to the place where she isn’t frantically trying to change her body and she can say that she loves it. But looking at her on the stage, I could clearly see that her body is built as an Endomorphs, and I just wondered how many years of heartache she would have been saved from if she just knew this.
So, I want you to listen as I describe and explain each of the different body types, but I want you to be gracious with yourself. Don’t take my words and say, “UGH, yep that’s why I hate my body.” I want you lean in equally hard to the strengths that you have. I want your heart to begin to soften about your body.
We’re all works in progress, but I want you to get rid of this kind of talk and this type of filthy language about yourself.
Ok, let’s dive in to the 3 main body types or Somatotypes:
This is NOT just about your shape, whether you’re pear shaped, or apple shaped, or shaped like a rectangle.
General description:
Typical goals:
General Description:
Typical Goals:
General Description:
Typical Goals:
What I want you to notice the most are the consistencies across the different types:
Your action steps now are to:
Come back next week because I’m bringing Liz Revilla and Amanda Bennett on the show with me. Liz is an Endomorph, and Amanda is an Ectomorph, I’m a Mesomorph, and we’re going to have an honest 3-way conversation about our body types. And also, make sure you go take the body type quiz at Be honest when taking it, or better yet, have your best friend or spouse take the quiz for you. That way they’re not being biased by negative thoughts.
Find out your body type! Take the FREE Body Type Quiz now!
Ready to get strong? Check out GETSTRONG 30, my intro to weightlifting program!
Colossians 3:7-8
Discover your unique metabolic body type, and learn exactly how to train and eat to maximize your natural strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Take the FREE QuizDiscover how thousands of everyday moms are quitting the trendy diets and detoxes and finally changing their eating habits for life.
Download for FREE NowThis brand-new guide reveals the safest way for you to strengthen and flatten your postpartum abs so you can feel confident in your core again.
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