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Static and dynamic content editing
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How to customize formatting for each rich text
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Endomorph Body Type Meal Plan
Are you an Endomorph? This meal plan (including grocery lists!) will make eating for your own body type so much easier! No subscription plan necessary!
Losing fat and feeling your best as an endomorph can be a bit trickier than the other body types. But with a clear plan in place, it's not so hard!
This 4-week quick-downloadable meal plan removes the guesswork out of eating as an endomorph.
No more calculating macronutrient ratios, measuring portion sizes, or tracking calories! This meal planner will help you feel your best, decrease body fat, especially around your midsection, and increase your metabolism.
Click here to download now for free!
What's an endomorph?
And endomorph is one of the three primary body types, or somatotypes. An endomorph is naturally inclined to being broader and thicker, especially in the torso. They typically have a slower metabolism, have a harder time maintaining healthy body fat levels, and carry most of their weight around their midsection. When they lose body fat, they sometimes still feel stout. It may sometimes feel confusing because you might be a genetic ectomorph or mesomorph (the two other types), but because you’ve neglected a healthy lifestyle your body type begins to look and behave more like an endomorph.
Whether you're truly a genetic Endomorph or your body is now behaving like one from years of unhealthy habits, you will greatly benefit from the eating habits on this meal plan!

This meal plan will emphasize these basic healthy eating habits that draw out the strengths of an Endomorph:
1) Eating at regular intervals throughout the day to improve your metabolism.
2) Eating protein with every meal.
3) Eating mostly vegetables and sometimes fruit with every meal.
4) Eating plenty of healthy fats throughout the day.
5) Limiting starchier carbohydrates.
All of the meals on the plan are easy & delicious!
This is what's included in your download after purchase:
- Information and instruction page
- Four unique and beautifully designed 7-day meal planners that you can print out and place on your fridge
- Four corresponding printable grocery lists
- Links to the healthy recipes
MORE DETAILS: As you follow this meal plan, you'll be eating four meals per day - breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. The meals are really easy to make and taste delicious!
*Built into the plan are practical strategies that make sense for a "real mom", like options to eat leftovers, bagged salads, smoothies, and repeating meals so you don't have to keep learning new recipes. Each week, you can even enjoy a few splurge meals and still see progress!
(This meal planner is mostly gluten free. Simple substitutions can be made if you have any other known allergies or intolerances.)
Click here to Download Your Meal Planner Now!