
Realistically, what does it take to lose 7-10 pounds in 4 weeks?

Megan Dahlman
November 8, 2016

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Can you lose 7-10 pounds in just four weeks?

What will you be doing four weeks from now? Christmas shopping? Decorating? Listening to the Pentatonix on repeat?  I know that’s what I’ll be doing!

Will you also be jazzed about what you accomplished with your body in just four weeks? Perhaps. You might even be excited that you feel stronger, know how to eat better and have a more confident stance as you head into the rest of the holidays.

But, let’s be realistic. Can it be done? Can you lose 7-10 pounds in just four weeks?

Yes, you can. You can absolutely lose that amount of weight in such a short time without sabotaging your body. But what would that look like?

Many other programs and weight loss strategies completely trash your body. They starve it, squeeze it and suck it dry of anything that resembles health, all in the name of a smaller number on the scale. This is not worth it. It could take years for your body to recover from the metabolic thrashing this entails.  

To drop several pounds in a couple weeks without ruining your body and mind, you must first start with the ideal environment, and then add in the determination and endurance.

Here’s what that looks like:

You must have the ideal environment for weight loss.

1. Your hormones need to be well balanced. If your thyroid is all over the place, your adrenals are fatigued, you are having difficulty balancing your sex hormones, and/or you’re nursing a little one, it will be extremely difficult to lose weight at all.

You could skip ahead to the practical stuff I explain below, but if your hormones are not balanced you might not get anywhere. This can be frustrating beyond measure, but it might also be your answer if you’re having difficulty losing weight. It’s a good idea to make an appointment to have your blood drawn and analyzed. 

2. You shouldn't be dealing with any major outside stress. Is your day typically calm, smooth and includes moments of relaxation? Sure, it might be not smooth sailing all the time (we're moms for goodness sake!), but if you feel like you generally aren’t carrying a bunch of burdens all at once, you’ll be more likely to lose weight. Stress has a major impact on your hormones and body change.

3. You need plenty of sleep daily. Your body perceives a lack of sleep as a stressor. If you’re constantly sleep deprived, it can be extremely difficult to lose weight. Become more disciplined with your sleep routine and you’ll create an ideal environment for weight loss.

If the environment inside your body and your circumstances are all in a good spot, then you can implement the next part.

You must have determination and endurance for weight loss to happen.

This is the practical stuff.

1. Lots of hard work. If you would like to lose 7-10 pounds in just four weeks, you need to be exercising 5 days per week (20 workouts in four weeks). In my experience, five workouts per week is the sweet spot. Anything less and it’s just not quite enough for that much change. Anything more, and you’re wrecked.

Of course, your method of exercise is extremely important. You can’t just run 5 days a week and expect to lose that kind of weight. And you can’t just do Zumba and see that kind of weight loss, either. You need to be doing the right things.

This is the ideal workout scenario for big body change:

  • Three heavy, total body strength training workouts per week that build muscle, burn calories and send your metabolism through the roof.
  • Two high intensity interval workouts per week like sprinting or spinning. These workouts don’t have the load like the other workouts do, so they’re not quite as tough on the body, but they still trigger a major metabolic output.

This is a good pattern:

  • Monday-Strength Train
  • Tuesday-Intervals
  • Wednesday- Strength Train 
  • Thursday-Day off
  • Friday-Strength Train
  • Saturday-Intervals
  • Sunday-Day off

With these workouts, always encourage good technique, healing and recovery with proper warm-up drills and cool down strategies (foam rolling!).

If you go hard, hard, hard without giving your body some TLC, you could get hurt. It’s a fine balance of doing enough to make your body change, but not so much that it gets hurt.

2. Dialed in Nutrition. Losing 7-10 pounds in four weeks is aggressive. You can’t just workout hard and be lazy with your eating choices. You won’t see the results you want.

You must be eating perfectly 90% of the time. This means that you only splurge or deviate from the healthy eating habit rules 10% of the time.

Let’s break that down:
If you eat 5 meals a day, 7 days per week that’s 35 meals total for the week. Following the 90/10 rule means that you splurge on only 3 ½ occasions. No more than four splurge scenarios every week, period. So over the course of four weeks, that equals 12-16 splurges total.

Splurging includes eating something you shouldn’t, skipping a meal, or even eating bigger portions than you should. Click here to learn how you should be eating and to read more about splurging click here

This is strict eating and borderline dieting. I say borderline because you’re not necessarily measuring foods, counting calories, and deleting major food items from your diet. And you get to splurge, just not much. You could eat this way for the rest of your life and be healthier for it. 
Wow, this sounds tough, doesn’t it? Yes, it’s very tough.

When I have mommas come to me saying they’d like to lose 10 pounds in a month, I ask them if they’re actually up for that challenge. "Are you sure? Do you know what that takes?"

It means that your environment must be perfectly stable. And it means that you dig in deep with a clear plan and you don’t give up! You show up to every workout, you do your diligence with your meals and you carefully track your splurges.

Maybe slower progress is okay. 

If you’re okay with slightly slower progress, like 7-10 pounds in eight weeks, it might be more realistic for your situation. That kind of progress still requires a good environment, but not quite as aggressive workouts and nutrition tactics. And those are still great results!

​Where are you at? What are your goals? What is your environment like and how determined are you right now? 

If you are deeply determined and you're ready to tackle 7-10 pounds in four weeks without ruining your body, then I have the plan all laid out for you: all the right workouts, the nutrition guide, the meal tracking charts and everything. You just bring your readiness and grit. Click here to learn more and start today. 

Maybe you're not quite up for that much work, but you still want to make a difference. You want to be stronger, leaner and healthier. I can still help you out. My plan is scalable. You can go as hard as you want or dial it back to suit your unique situation. Click here to learn more.

Christmas is coming and it's going to hit us fast. Where is your body going to be four weeks from now? Healthier? Stronger? Leaner? It's up to you.

It can be done. Are you ready to try? 


​If you're curious about the Strong Mommas Membership, a totally unique experience designed specifically for moms that lays everything out for you, learn more here

You can also Train Just Like I Train for free for the next two weeks and see what happens. I promise you'll be completely thrilled!

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Trainer, nutrition coach, and Christian mom — in a culture that’s obsessed with “gym-selfies” and a number on the scale, I’m passionate about helping moms discover what it feels like to actually love their bodies and thrive in them.
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