
Do you hate the body you see in the mirror?

Body Image Hate the Mirror
by megan dahlman
August 30, 2022

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As I got ready for this one, I had to dig deep into my own body image archives and really listen to the stories of other women. Women that do a good job of being confident on the outside, but on the inside they’re missing something…something that haunts them every day - and it’s having zero confidence in their own body… often to the point of pure hatred. I don’t want to candy coat anything for you, I just want to show you something DIFFERENT. If you’re ready, let’s jump in…

Quick background...

I remember it like yesterday. I saw myself in a picture among a group of friends, and I felt like I looked overweight and pudgy. This triggered something in me. It crushed my confidence. After that, I hated what I saw in the mirror. Everything I disliked was the only thing I could see.

I’m not alone - countless women hate the reflection that they see. I asked the women in the Self Care Simplified FB group how they honestly felt about their bodies. I encouraged them to be brutally honest, and they were. Some of the words and phrases they used about their own bodies were, “I look in the mirror and see all the yuck, I hate my body, I’m always so focused on how I dislike my body, feel very self conscious, I hate looking in the mirror, going into my closet, I am not happy with my body, I don’t love my body, feel helpless.”

Take a minute and think about how you feel about your body when you look in the mirror.

  • Be honest and raw - don’t candy coat this
  • What are some of the emotions that bubble up?
  • What words or phrases come to your mind?

We try so hard ignore these thoughts and try to muster up a positive body image, but that is really hard when you have zero confidence in yourself. When you literally feel hatred, and it’s a daily reminder of how you’ve been putting your body on the backburner and you’re simply NOT a model of health to anyone in your family, and it’s just getting worse.

In that moment, when you look in the mirror and hate what you see, it will compel you to do one of two things:

  • Do Nothing
  • Do Everything

Doing Nothing

You choose to just ignore yourself and move on with life. You might also experience: 

  • Self pity
  • Belief that it’s too late for you
  • Belief that you’re unworthy
  • Belief that it’s selfish, or that you don’t have time, or you don’t have the right resources

I have a friend that always complained about her body, but never took action - tried to ignore it. She was in constant pain, she didn’t feel good, and the mirror was a constant reminder of how worthless she was

What are the results of doing nothing?

  • Your health WILL get worse, you will slowly deteriorate and age faster than you want
  • Your children WILL probably follow in your footsteps
  • You WILL continue to loathe seeing yourself in the mirror or in pictures - it will be a constant reminder of hate, shame, embarrassment and failure

Doing Everything

Or... you might choose to overreact. You’re so desparate for results that you take extreme actions. This initially makes you feel like you’re getting somewhere. But doing everything is:

  • Unsustainable
  • It feeds the cycle
  • You belive the lie that you can work yourself into a frenzy and change everything all at once

I have another friend that woke up one day and said “enough”. She signed up for 75 Hard and punished her body and tried to break her own will. She became worse off than when she started - she viewed food as an enemy and exercise as a weapon.

What are the results of doing everything?

  • You WILL quit. That’s totally unsustainable and unreasonable for your situation right now, and you know it.
  • You WILL still be unhealthy, but now it’s not just your body, it’s your mind and heart, too…you’re burnt out, exhausted, and frustrated
  • You WILL break - something on your body will get hurt - you’ll hurt your knee, your ankle, your back and you’ll feel setback for a long time
  • You WILL continue to loathe seeing yourself in the mirror or in pictures - it will be a constant reminder of hate, shame, embarrassment and failure

Those are the 2 decisions you can make in that moment… when your self image is so low, that you can’t even look at your reflection without experiencing some form of hatred and disgust for your body. Do you choose to do nothing or do you choose to do everything?

What’s your track record?

  • What do you normally choose to do about your body, when you know it’s unhealthy, you don’t feel great, and as a result you can’t stand what you see in the mirror or in pictures? When you have zero confidence in your own body?
  • What have you done in the past? What was the name of the program or the shake or the diet that you signed up for when you went all in? How did it go? How much money did you spend?
  • What was going on in your life when you decided to do nothing? When you believed the lies that you were too far gone, it would take too much effort, that you didn’t have the time or the money, and you weren’t worthy of that effort?

Speaking of lies…

Friend, I’ll be honest, I’ve been believing some big lies about myself lately. I have this tape in my head saying statements like, “you’ll never amount to anything.” “You’re just not cut out for this.” “You’re unimportant.” These lies almost always lead me to:

  • Overwork and hustle more to try and prove myself
  • Or I sit, I do nothing, and wallow in my own depressed thoughts about myself

It’s awfully tempting to go down one of those two roads. I get it. I really do.

BUT! You need to know that there’s another option.

You CAN break the cycle of doing nothing and then doing all the things.

If right now, you literally hate your body when you look in the mirror, when you’re trying on clothes, or even maybe when you catch yourself in a photo and you feel like you’re wearing a mask all day, covering the fact that you have zero confidence in your own body…

…I want you to know that I have made it my life’s mission to help you. I know for a fact that I can help you, that I can help transform your body and completely change those thoughts that you have when you see yourself… I just need you to trust me.

Because what I want to do with you is going to be different than anything you’ve ever done. Remember, you probably only know the NOTHING or the EVERYTHING. I want to show you another way…and it’ll probably challenge everything inside of you. Your entire being will revolt and try to convince you that it won’t work - that it won’t get you results. That your body is not moving any closer to your goals and the confidence that you deeply crave.

But it will, and at the same time your heart will be saying “Finally…this is good and right and pure.”

I have a program called JUMPSTART 30 that you can easily do in less than 15 minutes a day. It’s going to help you:

  • Actually feel confident in your body
  • You’re going to feel stronger, healthier, and more energetic
  • You will lose between 3-5 pounds, getting your healthy weight loss efforts going
  • And you’re going to feel so proud that you’re finally taking action for yourself and it’s NOT something extreme or gimmicky
  • Every single woman that has shown up and done all 30 days with me tells me they feel healthier, more energetic, they’re not sore and achy, their clothes fit looser, and they’re actually pumped to keep going. Their confidence is through the roof. And THAT’S how I want YOU to feel.

So, if everything I said has resonated with you, you need to stop procrastinating and putting this off. Go sign up for it right now.

Don’t let the voice in your head talk you out of it or tell you that you can put it off - that’s the voice that’s never lead you down the right path anyway and it’s keeping you where you are.

  • You might even be in the middle of something extreme right now. Be done with it. You know how that’s going to end. You need different.

And if you’re scared that something like this is expensive, it’s not. In fact, it’s not going to cost you anything. If you show up every day for 30 days, I’ll give you your money back. It’ll basically be FREE.

  • I care that much about making sure that you don’t go wasting your money on something extreme and dangerous that’s going to leave you feeling like a failure again,
  • I just want to make sure nothing is preventing you from getting off the sidelines and taking wise action right now.
  • And I’m that confident that this program gets you results -

If right now, when you stand in front of mirror and you don’t feel awesome and your grasping for some semblance of personal confidence everyday - I want to help and I can help you.

All you need to do is trust me, stop what you’re doing and get off the sidelines. Take action and do the right thing - From here on out, refuse to let yourself do nothing and refuse to let yourself get frantic and try to do everything again. Promise me that.

I love you and I want the very best for you. And I want you to love your body.

Click here and we’ll start these 30 days together soon. I’ll see you there.

More Resources

JUMPSTART 30 - I’ll help you lose weight, reduce your pain, and get your confidence back!

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Trainer, nutrition coach, and Christian mom — in a culture that’s obsessed with “gym-selfies” and a number on the scale, I’m passionate about helping moms discover what it feels like to actually love their bodies and thrive in them.
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Hi! I’m Megan.
Self-Care Simplified is for Christian moms that want to be equipped and encouraged to take simple steps towards the healthy life you want for yourself and the people you love.
Be sure to subscribe to Self-Care Simplified wherever you listen to your favorite podcast.
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Trainer, nutrition coach, and Christian mom — in a culture that’s obsessed with “gym-selfies” and a number on the scale, I’m passionate about helping moms discover what it feels like to actually love their bodies and thrive in them.
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Hi! I’m Megan.
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Self-Care Simplified is for Christian moms that want to be equipped and encouraged to take simple steps towards the healthy life you want for yourself and the people you love.
Be sure to subscribe to Self-Care Simplified wherever you listen to your favorite podcast.
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